Our 2024/25 academic year is now open for applications! Discover our range of programmes and modules available to you.

The Royal Marsden School

Study Skills... preparing for your module

These study skills resources can help you to prepare for your forthcoming studies at The Royal Marsden School. Perhaps you have not studied academically for a long time, or you just need a refresher and a reminder, about referencing, academic techniques and writing, and language.
You will be further supported during your module, but this is a good starting point for any learner.
academic skills

Click the links below to jump to the section you require:

Academic reading
Academic writing
Critical analysis
Specific learning disabilities

Academic reading

Academic reading is a key part of your time at The Royal Marsden School. You will need to read a variety of sources to prepare for assignments and participate in lectures, seminars, discussions, and e-learning activities.  

You will need to:

  • Start with your module reading list – divided into essential and recommended reading.
  • Search for relevant articles to support your ideas.
  • Understand the concepts and ideas you read (make notes/summary of what you read in your own words).
  • Evaluate what you read – critically read and assess the evidence rather than accept it at face value.

Things you can do

There are resources you can access to help understand the concept of critical reading.

We recommend the following book: Aveyard, H., Sharp, P. and Wooliams, M. (2015) A Beginner's guide to critical thinking and writing in health and social care 2nd edn. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

It is available in The David Adams Library and on-line (you will be able to access it two weeks prior to your course).

Academic writing

To progress through your course you will need to produce some academic writing e.g. an essay, poster, presentation, reflective piece, portfolio, or prepare for an oral/verbal exam involving evidence-based discussions.  

You will need to:

  • Structure your work so it follows a logical order and addresses the question.
  • Use appropriate academic language in your work.
  • Reference the books, articles, guidelines, etc you have used in producing the assignment.

Things you can do

It may have been some time since you have undertaken this type of work. The School provides guidance and support so you can succeed in your studies.

This short video on planning your writing from our academic partner the University of East Anglia(UEA) discusses how to plan and structure your work.

In your module there will be time to go through assignment preparation and the expectations of the work. Make sure you use the time and ask questions if you don’t understand.

Critical analysis

The importance of being critical by being analytical and objective in your thinking and reading will be a key part of your course. These concepts will be a key part of your course.

You will need to:

  • Critically analyse material – assess the quality of evidence and when it can or cannot support an argument.
  • Ask questions about the material: Who? What? Where? Why? and How?
  • Evaluate – examine and judge the importance of its effectiveness.
  • Synthesise – consider and combine ideas from a range of sources to present an argument.

Things you can do

Our academic partner, UEA has a guide to help with some of these concepts

Before starting your course think about any areas you feel you may need support with.

The Royal Marsden School virtual learning environment (Moodle) has a Study Skills section where you can access further information on these topics.

When you receive your login details, approximately two weeks before the start of your course, go to Study Skills Resources.


Referencing is a way of acknowledging the sources you have used in your work and supporting your arguments.

The reference style used at The School is one version of Harvard Referencing. 

Many students worry about referencing, but you can help yourself by following the below. 

You will need to:

  • Reference every time you use information you have obtained from an external source.
  • Keep a record of the sources you read and use.

Things you can do

The Royal Marsden School(RMS) provides a comprehensive referencing guide to use.

View an example of The Royal Marsden School referencing

Always check references against The School guide provided.

Remember to keep a record of the books, articles, websites, and guidelines you use.

Follow the guide and be consistent.

Specific learning disabilities

You may have a specific learning disability that requires additional support.

You will need to:

Declare this on your module/programme application form. Your module leader will be notified of this prior to the module start date.

Things you can do

Contact your module leader at the start of your module if you require any additional and/or specific learning support.

Moodle Study Skills

Moodle is The Royal Marsden School's on-line learning platform. You will be given access via an e-mail approximately two weeks prior to your course start date.

Please take time before your module starts to explore Moodle, in particular the Study Skills Resources. When you receive your login details go to Study Skills Resources.

Further support is available via Student Support Services:

For access to eBooks, articles, and referencing support: library@rmh.nhs.uk.