Our 2024/25 academic year is now open for applications! Discover our range of programmes and modules available to you.

The Royal Marsden School

Student Support

The School is known for the care and support it provides students. This continues throughout your academic journey, from choosing the right modules to preparing for graduation.
Study Days main page

Student Support Services are open Monday to Friday from 9am–5pm, and are available to assist you with your needs. We can be found on the forth floor of The School, opposite the Oratory Room. 

Academic support

All students studying for a degree or postgraduate qualification will be assigned a personal tutor who can be contacted if they require any support with their pathway. Students will receive information about their personal academic tutor and their contact details once they have enrolled onto one of our degree pathways. 

Students studying stand-alone modules can contact their module leader if they require help, advice or additional support.

Students will receive their pre-course information two weeks before their module is scheduled to start, detailing their module leader and contact details. The Royal Marsden School runs a number of study skills days. For more information please contact Student Support Services. 

Student reps

There are student reps for both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Student reps provide an essential link between students and The School.  Reps find out about issues affecting students’ studies and experience and raise these issues to The School, as well as letting us know what we are doing well. Students can contact their student rep via The School’s Online Learning Environment, Moodle

If you are interested in becoming a student rep please contact Student Support Services.

Disability Support

Disclosing your disability when you apply

We strongly encourage all disabled applicants to disclose any disability on their school application form. Disability includes mobility and sensory impairments but also mental health difficulties such as depression and anxiety, mental illness such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, autism spectrum conditions such as Asperger syndrome, and specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia or dyspraxia.

We encourage disclosure so that we can advise you about how you can be supported at the School and about any physical access requirements. Disclosing a disability will not affect your chances of receiving an offer from the School.

If you do not disclose when you apply but want to disclose afterwards, please contact Student Support Services. You can disclose at any time but earlier is better so that you can receive any relevant advice and support at the start of your studies.

Study support for all students 

Practical advice about your studies is available to all students at the School, regardless of any disability. Support for all students includes personal tutoring, academic skills workshops and support at the library.

Physical access and mobility

The School is in a historical building. Therefore, access to some rooms may be restricted and outside of the School’s control. 

For any further information, please contact Student Support Services.


Contact details

Student Support Services


020 7808 2900



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