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The Royal Marsden School

Privacy and cookies

Your privacy is important to us.

This policy is currently under review

The information on this page refers solely to your privacy in relation to the use of cookies on this website and the data they collect. The cookies we set do not collect personal information.

About cookies

Cookies are small files sent by web servers to your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome) and stored on your computer’s hard drive.

The information is then sent back to the server each time the browser loads a website page from the same server. This enables a web server to identify and track individual web browsers.

There are two main kinds of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are deleted from your computer when you close your browser, whereas persistent cookies remain stored on your computer until deleted, or until they reach their expiry date.

The Royal Marsden School uses certain essential cookies which are needed to enable the provision of our website’s core service, which is to provide information about the school’s service.

In addition to these essential cookies, the additional cookies we use are not necessary to provide the core service but do help us to improve our website experience. 

You can opt-out of the additional cookies by choosing 'Reject additional cookies' using the cookie pop-up banner that appears the first time you visit the website. If you have previously consented to additional cookies, and would like to change your mind, you can click on the 'C' cookie icon in the left-hand corner of the page and update your preferences. Further information on how to manage cookies more generally is detailed below.

What information do we collect?

Anonymous information is automatically collected for every visitor to this site. We collect anonymous information about how you have used our website and the technology you have used to access it.

What do we do with anonymous information?

The anonymous information we collect is used to help us improve our website and the information on it.

It helps us to understand how our website is being used and how we can make it better. 

Here are some examples of the anonymous information we collect:

  • Pages viewed
  • IP address (Not stored and only used to determine city / country)
  • Browser type, eg Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge
  • Browser language
  • Operating system, eg iOS, Android

We do not make any association between the anonymous information we collect and a visitor's identity.

What cookies do we place?

To make full use of our website you need to accept cookies. Without cookies you can still visit our website but some features won't work.

If you would like to limit or block the usage of essential cookies you can do so in your browser settings.

You can learn more about cookies and how to manage them yourself at www.aboutcookies.org.

In addition to the cookies set by our website, a visit to this site will also set cookies from other services that we have decided to use in order to help improve our site.  These services are described below.

Google Analytics

We use this service to track and monitor website usage.  We have chosen to enable features of this service known as 'advertiser features'. These features benefit us by allowing us to see more information about how this website is used. By enabling these features we enable Google Analytics to collect data about site traffic via Google advertising cookies and anonymous identifiers.

If you would rather that your visits to this website are not recorded then please consider looking at Google Analytics' currently available opt-outs.

Google Analytics sets these cookies on your device:

  • _ga is used to distinguish users. This cookie does not contain any personal information. It expires after 2 years.
  • _ga_<container-id> is used to persist session state. It expires after 2 years.
  • _gcl_au is used for conversion linker functionality, to detect the information about the ad click that brought a visitor to our site. It expires after 3 months.
  • __gid  is used to count page views and where the user has come from to reach the page. It expires after 1 day.
  • _dc_gtm_UA-32175898-1 is used to add the Google Analytics code from Google Tag Manager, and limit the amount of data collected. It expires after 1 minute.


Certain videos on our site are embedded from Vimeo. Vimeo sets cookies when a user visits our pages with video embeds.  

Vimeo’s embeddable video player uses first-party cookies that they consider essential to the video player experience. They do not use third-party analytics or advertising cookies when their video player appears on a third-party website, unless (i) the website visitor is logged in to their Vimeo account and (ii) the user who embedded the video has not implemented the DNT (Do Not Track) function in their own browser. 

Please consult Vimeo's cookie policy and cookie list for further information.


We use this service to help us better understand how you are using our website and how we can make it better through a range of tools such as heatmaps, feedback polls and surveys.

Hotjar sets these cookies on your device:

  • _hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress is used to detect the first page view session. It expires after 30 minutes.
  • _hjFirstSeen is used to identify new user sessions. It expires after 30 minutes.
  • _hjIncludedInSessionSample records if the user is included in the data sampling. It expires after 2 minutes.
  • _hjSession is used to store data about the current session. It expires after 30 minutes.
  • _hjSessionUser is used to collect details of multiple visits to the same site. It expires after 1 year.


Moodle is the Online Learning Environment used by The Royal Marsden School. It is a secure online area where School staff and students can interact in a range of learning activities.

Moodle sets these cookies on your device:

  • __utmz is related to Google Analytics. It expires after 6 months
  • __utmc is related to Google Analytics. It expires at the end of a session
  • __utmb is related to Google Analytics. It expires at the end of a session
  • __utma is related to Google Analytics. It is a persistent cookie
  • __utmt  is related to Google Analytics. It expires after 10 minutes

How to manage your browser cookie settings

If you would like to prevent cookies from being set by this site, or any other, the following links will assist in that aim:

General information on how to manage your choices online: 

http://www.aboutads.info/choices and http://www.youronlinechoices.eu/

Data Protection Act 2018


Google Chrome

How to change your cookie settings in Google Chrome

Safari (iOS)

How to change your cookie settings in Safari (iOS)


How to change your cookie settings in Android

Changes to this statement

We reserve the right to make changes to this statement without notice and at our sole discretion.

We recommend you check this page regularly to make sure you are familiar with these changes.