Our 2024/25 academic year is now open for applications! Discover our range of programmes and modules available to you.

The Royal Marsden School

Consequences of COVID-19 – Student Q&A

Please see below for some frequently asked questions relating to the current COVID-19 situation. If your question is not answered below, please contact us by e-mail

I have attended the classroom days for my module, and I am currently working on my assignment.  Are the assignment submission dates that are currently set still valid?

To support students that have already attended their study days but have not yet submitted an assessment we have begun to implement blanket 3 month extensions.
Students will be able to submit their assignment at any stage between now and then but it will not be marked until the due date.
On-going support is still available both on-line via Moodle and by e-mail

I am due to submit an essay plan soon but my submission date has been changed.  Do I still need to submit an essay plan?

Each module has a date for submitting essay plans set by the module leader.  This would normally change when the submission date changes.  Please check on Moodle for your specific module.

I am due to attend a module in May, is this still going to take place?

No, all face-to-face teaching at The Royal Marsden School is suspended indefinitely.

I have already made an extensions request recently – will this be void now if the module assignment is extended?

Yes, where assignment submission dates have been blanket extended for a module this will apply equally to all students enrolled onto that module and will not be counted as an individual.  

I am enrolled on to a programme and the modules that I planned to complete have been postponed. Will this affect the time I have to complete my programme?

We will take into account any time that is lost due to current COVID situation and no student will be disadvantaged because of it.

Funding, I currently have funding for a module that has been postponed. Will this funding be carried forward to when the module takes place?

This will depend on the source of your funding and their decision about whether it can be carried forward.

Can I still apply for modules and programmes?

No, we are not currently accepting any new applications or continuing to process any in progress.  Once we are able to resume face to face teaching our initial priority will be reorganising the modules that were cancelled then reopen for new applications.

Will you let me know when new dates are set for the next academic year?

Yes, if you were confirmed to attend a module that was cancelled we will contact you directly.

When will I know about dates for the next academic year?

It is not yet clear when we will be able to resume face to face teaching.  As soon as we know this we will be able to forward new dates to applicants that were confirmed to attend a cancelled module.

Will my place be automatically transferred to a new course?

Yes, once we are able to offer face to face teaching we will issue a new offer to applicants that were confirmed to attend a cancelled module.
You will need to discuss and agree on your release from work with your line manager in the usual way.

Do I need to reapply?

No, we will transfer application details to the academic year 2020/21.

I have submitted work, when will I receive my result?

We hope to meet planned deadlines but where we are not able to do this we will inform you.
There is a small number of academic staff dedicated to the completion of the marking currently in progress.  

I have already attended my module; will I still be able to submit my assignment?

To support students that have already attended their study days but have not yet submitted an assessment we have begun to implement blanket 3-month extensions.
Students will be able to submit their assignment at any stage between now and then but it will not be marked until the due date.
On-going support is still available both on-line via Moodle and by e-mail.

I attended my module some time ago and have an agreed submission date set coming up; what should I do?

Where you had an agreed extension and have been successfully working towards this deadline you should go ahead and submit on the agreed date.
On-going support is still available both on-line via Moodle and by e-mail.
Please contact us if you are having any further difficulty.

My programme studies should be completed in 5 years.  Will the time be extended given the COVID-19 situation?

Yes, we will ensure that no student is disadvantaged as a result of this exceptionally difficult situation. 

I am trying to reach my module leader, are they still available? 

On-going support is still available, please contact us by e-mail in the first instance and we will direct your query to one of our team: StudentSupportServices@rmh.nhs.uk 
Most of our academic staff are supporting in clinical practice at the moment so it may not be the specific module leader who will help you but there is always someone on hand to assist.

I am trying to upload my essay plan/assignment onto Moodle but I have a problem. Can someone help me, please? 

On-going support is still available by e-mail.
Please provide a telephone number and your availability if you need us to call you.